Thursday, January 27, 2011

Too comfortable with discomfort!

I wear spectacles only while working on my laptop or while watching TV to avoid headaches later on.

Today I switched off the TV to get my laundry done. While on it, I suddenly realized that those spectacles still perched on my nose! Well...I can ignore them while working or watching TV because I get engrossed in the work or some movie. But they sometimes grow increasingly uncomfortable. How I could forget I had them on, I have no idea except that I'd become too comfortable with the discomfort!!

This pretty much sounds like life, doesn't it?? How often do we learn to put up with things we don't like? Just learn to overlook how uncomfortable we are and just get on with our life?

If there are areas of my life which I've grown used to overlooking....things that cause discomfort and things that I have the ability to remove from my life.............I would like to do it.

Sounds like a good thing right???

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