Monday, September 11, 2017

Monday philosophy

10 things women should stop wearing after the age of 30...

1-10) The weight of other's expectations and judgement.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

The "I-Me-Myself" syndrome

These days, I see several people who are more egocentric than we ever used to be! I find that they have a somewhat deluded sense of their own fabulousness, they lack basic courtesy, seem to believe that they are more attractive than they actually are, have trouble accepting criticism and extending empathy because they are so preoccupied with themselves. They have very high expectations about themselves and everyone in their life. Of course, there is nothing wrong with having high expectations. But being delusional and having a totally unrealistic blueprint on life are entirely different. And I find that these things often go hand in hand. Someone once said that this is called acute ego-itis syndrome. They increasingly believe that the universe actually revolves around them.

Yes, I am not kidding! There really are several people like this out there and we shouldn't mistake ego for confidence. Those two are way too different.

I sometimes wonder if all this sense of entitlement/self importance is because of the internet, reality TV where fame without talent is just a click away, easy credit or our highly competitive and individualistic society? We seem to be having pretentious rich people who in reality have huge debts, plastic surgery beauties, insincere people who have fame through local TV or youtube videos and a list of fake friends through the social network.

I wish I could take a pin/needle and 'pop' their ego.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Dream >>> Plan >>> Do

Before starting, I would like to wish whoever reads this post (not sure if any of you even bother reading anymore!) a year filled with loads of happiness and inner peace.

I generally do not bother making resolutions on New Year's each year. They don't usually work for me. It generally takes a couple of days into the new year for the resolution fail hashtags to trend. I mean most of us do not get past the one month duration. 

Resolutions are more than just numbers in research. Our resolutions concern our health, wealth, relationships, family and personal development. They are about things that matter to us a lot. Most of our resolutions are like - Lose weight, save more, Enjoy life more, Stay healthy, Learn something new, Quit smoking, Fall in love (?), Spend more time with family etc. 

I am sure many of you have your own stories of how you started off your New Year's with so much of enthusiasm only to end up becoming busy with life in general and fall behind in your commitments to the above said resolutions. It has definitely happened to me and that's precisely why I do not bother anymore. 

What I started doing (yeah, started working on what I wanted a little ahead of time. Who said resolutions had to start on the first day of the year!?) is to dream about it, make a plan on how I wished to go about it (set a short and achievable time target, say, 3 months) and I am definitely going to DO it in that time.

So let us "dream >>> plan >>> do".