Monday, March 28, 2011

Why does it rain??

Many of you might have heard the reason for why it rains from your mother at some point in your childhood. Well, if you haven't, then here's the reason :

Kid - Mom, why does it rain? Where does rain come from?
Mom - Sweetie, God is crying...those are his tears!
Kid - Mom, but why is God crying?
Mom - Probably because of something you did :-)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Limitation of human RAM or what?

I usually have so many thoughts running in my head (don't you have too?) and very often throughout the day, I think of writing about them to just get it out of my head...just free my mind out of the clutter. But at the end of the day I'm so exhausted thinking about a hundred different issues and juggling ten different priorities that it becomes irrelevant and I forget why I wanted to post it in the first place!

I remarked to a friend of mine recently that I often find myself remembering dozens of things at the same time that it clutters my mind. To that, the friend said that "a human being can remember only seven different things at the same time" :-) Is that true? I don't know...may be it's the limitation of the human RAM :-)

This might be true...but I've gotten so used to this multitasking mode of mine that the most important things always stay on top of the mind. However the other things don't really disappear down the alley...they just hide somewhere and when there is some free space in our RAM, they pop out of the hiding place and show their face (should I say, their ugly face? hmmm....) to us :-)

So, how do I cope with it?? Just like anyone instinct....I am not that organized, contradicting the popular belief many have about me :-) Sooner or later I have to find a way to take this level of awesomeness to the next level :-) 

Monday, March 14, 2011


I was transfixed while watching the Japan earthquake-Tsunami videos on the TV and YouTube continuously. My God!! What a devastation!!!!!

There are more bigger, important, serious things in life than loosing a watch or a handkerchief. When I heard for the first time that after an 8.9 magnitude earthquake, tsunami waves swept across the northern Japan coast, I thought I could imagine what that was like. But oh God, the videos were shocking. So many heavy washed away!!!

Take a look at the satellite images before and after the incident! Move the blue slider to the left/right.

Who are we to think we have so much control on nature?? Some day....we might also need the same safety and security that we have engineered into our infrastructure!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Have you ever felt you were not anywhere at all? Thats a weird and distinct feeling I've had for some time now. I'm sure none of you (if ever anyone still reads this blog!) would understand what I am talking about. But that's OK.

Right now everything is in flux and I don't seem to fit anywhere. It feels as if my life is a puzzle and the pieces keep shifting time and again even though I haven't moved an inch. How nice it would be if I could just press the pause button, get out of it for a while, take a break from all the drama and just hang out on a cloud in a hammock!! :-)

Well, the only thing I can do is to laugh about all the bad stuff, acknowledge the tough/hard stuff and just enjoy the good stuff :-)