Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Lets-write-something-stupid day. 

Im back after what seems like ages! I know, being busy with life in general and work is not an excuse but a very convenient reason for the laziness that lies beneath! Thanks to everyone who asked me why Im not writing anymore...that was like a kick up my backside and I totally needed that :-)

I cannot dance. 
I cannot sing. 
I lead probably a quiet existence. 
A brilliant blue or an orange hue may not announce my presence. 
Neither drums roll nor curtains fall when I leave. 
I may be a shadow and just come and go as i please.

Well, I knew, today was lets-write-something-stupid-day. 

Why do these words even come into my head when l don't get them myself is beyond my understanding! But I had to get them out or they would just go round and round causing a traffic jam in my brain :-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're quite a writer Laxmy!
Keep it up! ;-)