Monday, April 11, 2011

Adding some color to life :-)

My mother and brother have been calling me scatterbrains for quite some time now. I keep forgetting stuff these days. I don't get to tease my brother for doing stupid things because he doesn't do very many of them. But me...not so much!

When I came back from my trip last week, I saw, much to my surprise that my brother had cleaned the entire house in the absence of my sister-in-law...He had even done the laundry!!

I looked at some of the whites that had been washed and felt that something was not right. They were all kinda pinkish and greenish and purplish...Hmmm. Somehow, my brother decided that it would be OK to wash a bright pink/green/purple top with a bunch of white stuff. Now we have a bunch of pinkish greenish purplish stuff. I was not going to rag him about it since he had cleaned the whole house. Now, wouldn't you think that after all these years he would know not to put the bright colors with the whites??

I asked him about it out of curiosity and he said he thought after a few washes the clothes didn't bleed anymore!! Well....I guess we could always use some color in our lives :-) Pinkish greenish socks are more fun than the white ones :-/

It's nice to not be the only one! They say that misery loves company. I guess stupidity does too!!!!

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