Picture Courtesy - a friend on facebook :-) |
You tend to come up with several such excuses when you just don't want to exercise. It is the most difficult fight you would have had with your mind. Endless arguments as to why you should indeed put so much effort for losing or gaining those extra pounds even though your brain knows that it can only keep you fit and healthy. I am someone who wrestles such issues on a regular basis!
I have come across several people who have donated so much money to different gyms across the country and even outside. It seems the gym owners bank on people like that to run their business. Such people give the machines a run only once in a while and are among the majority. The minority being the ones who are hell bent on artistically shaping their body on the lines of some movie stars. Or the ones who are frantically trying to put down weight as their marriage would be around the corner :-)
I would blame the movie industry completely for making people believe that your body should look like a crafted piece with all the muscles bulging out (for guys), well toned or a size zero (for girls)! But you know what? Those guys are paid to do so!! Now, nobody would pay me even if I were to have a size zero figure next year!! I am paid to sit in office and work my a$$ off, which I do honestly! Once this fact is established, it is a herculean task to make those daily trips to the gym or to the nearby park to exercise. The treadmill and other machines become the villains in your life. And the twist here is that this villain always wins. You might be able to push this villain down once in a blue moon with the help of Bryan Adams or Linkin Park or A R Rahman songs or when you need some extra encouragement, few dink-chak songs. But usually you fall short.
The most interesting part in gyms is the comparison mode people get into. The usual ones among the female population being "Am I as fat as that girl"?. "I hope I don't end up looking like that aunty/uncle out there"! Some guys I have seen are very much worried about the shape of the curl in their biceps or some girls worried about the shape of their fingers or that perfect curve of their hips! That's when I feel like saying 'get a life people', you are supposed to look healthy and not anorexic! The human body is such an amazing work of craftsmanship. But, the sad truth is that the amount of fat you lose in 2-3 months can be regained in just 2-3 days. Especially for people like me who can put on weight at just the smell of ghee or butter!! Now, the grass is always green on the other side theory also works here. You look at the number of lean people who are trying to gain weight at the gym and start wondering, is it so hard??!! I was looking at a lean girl in our apartment the other day who was complaining that she was not able to gain weight and started wondering, “What did your family put you on - a butter and chocolate diet?!”.
But you know what, you are pulled back to reality whenever you look at yourself in a mirror. Your focus comes back to that layer that is hanging out of your tummy or your hips. If it was only running the miles, then you might just have done it. But what about the eating healthy part that's important along with the running/walking!! Again we are fighting here.
Well, everything said and done, realization strikes you hard when you are in the trial room of some store. You try hard to convince yourself that you still can fit into the same waist sized jeans or a top you did a couple of years ago. But alas!! And when a long lost friend comes across and tells you “Hey, long time buddy, I couldn't recognize you. You have put on so much weight!”, all hell breaks loose. The number on the weighing machine starts weighing on your mind regularly. You are left with no choice but to start exercising or find a gym nearby and donate some money again.
It is an infinite loop :-(